We have researched and developed solutions specifically designed for the coastal communities of Cambridge, Massachusetts and southern Bangladesh. Below, our individual solutions have been sorted by their respective regions.
For an executive summary of all of our climate resiliency solutions, click here.

Cambridge Solutions
Click above to investigate how the following solutions fit more broadly into the context of our plan for Cambridge.
Adapting to Increasing Spread of Disease Carbon Tax Efficient Emergency Transportation Plans Net-Zero Buildings Emergency Planning Education Energy-Efficient Heating and Cooling Systems External Flooding Barriers Green Space Heat Wave Response Incorporating Drainage MBTA StationsAddressing the Effects of Acid Rain NRL Safety Preparation for Flooding Reliable Back-Up Energy Systems Renewables Road Material Water Resistant Utilities

Bangladesh Solutions
Click above to investigate how the following solutions fit more broadly into the context of our plan for Bangladesh.
Adapting Polders Atmospheric Water Generation Crop Selection and Genetic Engineering Cyclone Shelters Emergency Alert System Fishing Green Roofs Hydroponics and Floating Agriculture Irrigation Manmade Ponds Paved Roads and Waterway Transportation Protecting and Expanding Existing Mangroves Rainwater Collection and Solar Distillation Reforestation Sustainable Land Management Urine Diverting Dry Toilets Waste Management Water Security